Category:Pages with syntax highlighting errors
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Lists pages that have a bad lang
attribute in a <source>
or <syntaxhighlight>
tag to this tracking category.
The most common error that leads to pages being tagged with this category is a syntaxhighlight
or source
tag with no lang
attribute at all. These can typically be replaced with pre
or lang="bash"
can be added.
The second most common error is the use of lang="sh"
or lang="shell"
which are unsupported. These can typically be replaced with lang="bash"
or lang="shell-session"
Pages in category "Pages with syntax highlighting errors"
The following 705 pages are in this category, out of 705 total.
- abort
- abort/ja
- absolutevalue
- absolutevalue/ja
- absolutevalue/ko
- add
- add/ja
- addAllNPCsToInitiative
- addAllNPCsToInitiative/ja
- addAllPCsToInitiative
- addAllPCsToInitiative/ja
- addAllToInitiative
- addAllToInitiative/ja
- addTableEntry
- addTableEntry/ja
- addToInitiative
- addToInitiative/ja
- and
- arg
- argCount
- arsMagicaStress
- arsMagicaStressNum
- assert
- Asynchronous Javascript Requests
- Automate Updating a Token Property
- Automate Updating a Token Property/ja
- average
- Calling macros
- canSeeToken
- capitalize
- ceiling
- Chat Commands
- Chat Commands/de
- Chat Commands/ja
- clearLights
- clearRolls
- clearTable
- closeDialog
- closeFrame
- closeOverlay
- code (roll option)
- copyMap
- copyTable
- copyToken
- copyToken legacy
- count (roll option)
- countStrProp
- countsuccess
- CR to XP
- Create Macro Buttons with a Macro
- createMacro
- createMap
- createTable
- createToken
- createTokens
- Creating a List Input with Names and Images
- Creating Macro Buttons Using a Macro
- currentToken
- Custom Robust eval Function
- ge
- Generate Variables From JSON
- getAllMapDisplayNames
- getAllMapIDs
- getAllMapNames
- getAllowsURIAccess
- getAllPlayerNames
- getAllPropertyNames
- getAlwaysVisible
- getAssetProperties
- getBar
- getBarImage
- getCoverVBL
- getCurrentInitiative
- getCurrentMapID
- getCurrentMapName
- getDefaultPropertyType
- getDefinedFunctions
- getDialogProperties
- getDistance
- getDistanceToXY
- getDrawingEraser
- getDrawingInfo
- getDrawingLayer
- getDrawingOpacity
- getDrawingProperties
- getEnvironmentVariable
- getExposedTokenNames
- getExposedTokens
- getFillColor
- getFindCount
- getFrameProperties
- getGMName
- getGMNotes
- getGroup
- getGroupCount
- getGroupEnd
- getGroupStart
- getHalo
- getHillVBL
- getImage
- getImpersonated
- getImpersonatedName
- getInfo
- getInitiative
- getInitiativeHold
- getInitiativeList
- getInitiativeRound
- getInitiativeToken
- getLabel
- getLastPath
- getLayer
- getLibProperty
- getLibPropertyNames
- getLights
- getLineCap
- getMacroButtonIndex
- getMacroCommand
- getMacroContext
- getMacroGroup
- getMacroIndexes
- getMacroLocation
- getMacroName
- getMacroProps
- getMacros
- getMapDisplayName
- getMapIDs
- getMapName
- getMapVisible
- getMapVision
- getMatchingLibProperties
- getMatchingProperties
- getMaxLoopIterations
- getMaxRecursionDepth
- getMBL
- getMoveCount
- getMoveLock
- getName
- getNewRolls
- getNotes
- getNPC
- getNPCNames
- getOverlayProperties
- getOwned
- getOwnedNames
- getOwnerOnlyVisible
- getOwners
- getPC
- getPCNames
- getPenColor
- getPenWidth
- getPitVBL
- getPlayerName
- getProperty
- getPropertyDefault
- getPropertyDisplayName
- getPropertyNames
- getPropertyNamesRaw
- getPropertyType
- getRawProperty
- getRecursionDepth
- getRolled
- getSelected
- getSelectedNames
- getSightType
- getSize
- getSoundProperties
- getSpeech
- getSpeechNames
- getState
- getStateImage
- getStrProp
- getTableAccess
- getTableEntry
- getTableImage
- getTableNames
- getTablePickOnce
- getTablePicksLeft
- getTableRoll
- getTableVisible
- getTerrainModifier
- getTextLabelStatus
- getTokenCoverVBL
- getTokenDrawOrder
- getTokenFacing
- getTokenGMName
- getTokenHalo
- getTokenHandout
- getTokenHeight
- getTokenHillVBL
- getTokenImage
- getTokenLabel
- getTokenLayoutProps
- getTokenMap
- getTokenMBL
- getTokenName
- getTokenNames
- getTokenNativeHeight
- getTokenNativeWidth
- getTokenOpacity
- getTokenPitVBL
- getTokenPortrait
- getTokenRotation
- getTokens
- getTokens/ja
- getTokenShape
- getTokenStates
- getTokenVBL
- getTokenWidth
- getTokenX
- getTokenY
- getVBL
- getViewArea
- getViewCenter
- getVisible
- getVisibleMapDisplayNames
- getVisibleMapNames
- getVisibleTokenNames
- getVisibleTokens
- getWithState
- getWithStateNames
- getZoom
- goto
- gt
- Guide to Initiative Events
- Guide to onTokenMove
- hasImpersonated
- hasLightSource
- hasMacro
- hasProperty
- hasSight
- herobody
- herokilling
- herokilling2
- herolab.getImage
- herolab.getInfo
- herolab.getMasterName
- herolab.getStatBlock
- herolab.hasChanged
- herolab.isMinion
- herolab.refresh
- herolab.XPath
- heromultiplier
- herostun
- hex
- hideTextLabels
- Hit Check Function
- How to use HeroLab Functions
- HP and Health Bars
- html.dialog
- html.dialog5
- html.frame
- html.frame5
- html.overlay
- HTML5 - JavaScript functions
- hypotenuse
- if
- impersonate
- indexKeyStrProp
- indexOf
- indexValueStrProp
- init.current
- init.denyChange
- init.round
- initiativeSize
- input
- Introduction to Dialogs and Frames
- Introduction to Macro Branching
- Introduction to Macro Branching/ja
- Introduction to Macro Loops
- Introduction to Macro Loops/ja
- Introduction to Macro Writing
- Introduction to Macro Writing With Javascript
- Introduction to Macro Writing With Javascript/de
- Introduction to Macro Writing With Javascript/ja
- Introduction to Macro Writing/de
- Introduction to Macro Writing/fr
- Introduction to Macro Writing/it
- Introduction to Macro Writing/ja
- Introduction to Macro Writing/ko
- Introduction to Macro Writing/Ko
- Introduction to Tables
- isBarVisible
- isDialogVisible
- isExternalMacroAccessAllowed
- isFlippedIso
- isFlippedX
- isFlippedY
- isFrameVisible
- isFunctionDefined
- isGM
- isNPC
- isNumber
- isOverlayRegistered
- isOverlayVisible
- isOwnedByAll
- isOwner
- isPC
- isPropertyEmpty
- isSnapToGrid
- isTrusted
- isVisible
- js.createNS
- js.eval
- js.evalNS
- js.evalURI
- js.removeNS
- js:MTScript
- JSON Array
- JSON Object
- JSON Object/ja
- JSON Sorting
- json.append
- json.contains
- json.count
- json.difference
- json.equals
- json.evaluate
- json.false
- json.fields
- json.fromList
- json.fromStrProp
- json.get
- json.indent
- json.indexOf
- json.intersection
- json.isEmpty
- json.isSubset
- json.length
- json.merge
- json.null
- json.objrolls
- json.path.add
- json.path.delete
- json.path.put
- json.path.set
- json.remove
- json.removeAll
- json.removeFirst
- json.reverse
- json.rolls
- json.set
- json.shuffle
- json.sort
- json.toList
- json.toStrProp
- json.toVars
- json.true
- json.type
- json.union
- json.unique
- lastIndexOf
- le
- length
- library.getContents
- library.getInfo
- library.listAddOnLibraries
- library.listTokenLibraries
- List Input with Images
- listAppend
- listContains
- listCount
- listDelete
- listFind
- listFormat
- listGet
- listInsert
- listReplace
- listSort
- ln
- log.debug
- log.error
- log.fatal
- log.getLoggers
- log.setLevel
- log.trace
- log.warn
- log10
- lower
- lt
- macro (roll option)
- Macro Tips and Tricks
- Macro Tips and Tricks/ko
- macro.args
- macro.catchAbort
- macro.catchAssert
- macro.return
- macroLink
- macroLinkText
- Macros:Branching and Looping
- Macros:Branching and Looping/ja
- Macros:Roll:output
- Manipulate a JSON Property
- MapToolOS
- markdownToHTML
- matches
- math
- math.arrayMax
- math.arrayMean
- math.arrayMedian
- math.arrayMin
- math.arrayProduct
- math.arraySum
- math.e
- math.listMax
- math.listMean
- math.listMedian
- math.listMin
- math.listProduct
- math.listSum
- math.log
- max
- median
- min
- More Branching Options
- More Branching Options/ja
- More Roll Initiative
- movedOverDrawing
- movedOverPoints
- movedOverToken
- moveToken
- moveTokenFromMap
- moveTokenToMap
- multiply
- refreshDrawing
- removeAllFromInitiative
- removeAllNPCsFromInitiative
- removeAllPCsFromInitiative
- removeDrawing
- removeFromInitiative
- removeMacro
- removeToken
- removeTokenFacing
- replace
- Replace Token Macros
- reroll
- rerollOnce
- resetFrame
- resetProperty
- resetSize
- resetTablePicks
- REST.delete
- REST.get
- REST.patch
- REST.put
- restoreFoW
- return
- roll
- Roll Initiative
- roll.count
- roll.result
- rollAddWithLower
- rollAddWithUpper
- rollSubWithLower
- rollSubWithUpper
- rollWithLower
- rollWithUpper
- round
- runJsFunction
- selectTokens
- sendDrawingToBack
- sendToBack
- server.isHosting
- server.isPersonal
- server.isServer
- set
- setAllowsURIAccess
- setAllStates
- setAlwaysVisible
- setBar
- setBarVisible
- setCurrentInitiative
- setDrawingEraser
- setDrawingLayer
- setDrawingName
- setDrawingOpacity
- setDrawingProperties
- setFillColor
- setGMName
- setGMNotes
- setHalo
- setHasSight
- setInitiative
- setInitiativeHold
- setInitiativeRound
- setLabel
- setLayer
- setLibProperty
- setLight
- setLineCap
- setMacroCommand
- setMacroProps
- setMapDisplayName
- setMapName
- setMapVisible
- setMapVision
- setMaxLoopIterations
- setMaxRecursionDepth
- setMoveLock
- setName
- setNotes
- setNPC
- setOverlayVisible
- setOwnedByAll
- setOwner
- setOwnerOnlyVisible
- setPC
- setPenColor
- setPenWidth
- setProperty
- setPropertyType
- setSightType
- setSize
- setSpeech
- setState
- setStrProp
- setTableAccess
- setTableEntry
- setTableImage
- setTablePickOnce
- setTableRoll
- setTableVisible
- setTerrainModifier
- setTokenCoverVBL
- setTokenDrawOrder
- setTokenFacing
- setTokenGMName
- setTokenHandout
- setTokenHeight
- setTokenHillVBL
- setTokenImage
- setTokenLabel
- setTokenLayoutProps
- setTokenMBL
- setTokenOpacity
- setTokenPitVBL
- setTokenPortrait
- setTokenShape
- setTokenSnapToGrid
- setTokenVBL
- setTokenWidth
- setViewArea
- setVisible
- setZoom
- setZoomLock
- Show HTML
- showTextLabels
- Sorting Nested JSON Objects
- sortInitiative
- Speed Up Your Macros
- square
- squareroot
- sr4
- sr4e
- sr5
- sr5e
- startsWith
- stopSound
- strfind
- strformat
- string
- string (function)
- string List
- string Property List
- stringToList
- strPropFromVars
- substring
- subtract
- switch (roll option)
- switchToken
- table
- tableImage
- Target a Visible NPC
- Technical definition of Add-on Libraries
- test.equal
- Theme CSS
- Toggle State
- toggleFoW
- token (roll option)
- Token State
- token State/ja
- name
- token.halo
- token.init
- token.initHold
- token.label
- token.visible
- tokens.denyMove
- tokens.moveCount
- transferCoverVBL
- transferHillVBL
- transferMBL
- transferPitVBL
- transferVBL
- trim
- Trim Number
- true