List of Macro Functions (as of 1.8.3)
This is a list of all macro functions registered with the MapTool parser, with links to missing wiki pages showing up red as typical. Note that some of these functions have multiple aliases, so a redirect to an existing page may be the correct approach.
- REST.delete()
- REST.get()
- REST.patch()
- REST.put()
- abort()
- abs()
- absolutevalue()
- add()
- addAllNPCsToInitiative()
- addAllPCsToInitiative()
- addAllToInitiative()
- addTableEntry()
- addToInitiative()
- and()
- arg()
- argCount()
- arsMagicaStress()
- arsMagicaStressNum()
- assert()
- average()
- avg()
- band()
- base64.decode()
- base64.encode()
- bitwiseand()
- bitwisenot()
- bitwiseor()
- bitwisexor()
- bnot()
- bor()
- bringDrawingToFront()
- bringToFront()
- broadcast()
- bxor()
- canSeeToken()
- capitalize()
- ceil()
- ceiling()
- clearLights()
- clearRolls()
- clearTable()
- closeDialog()
- closeFrame()
- closeOverlay()
- concat()
- copyMap()
- copyTable()
- copyToken()
- countStrProp()
- countsuccess()
- createMacro()
- createTable()
- currentToken()
- d()
- decode()
- defineAudioSource()
- defineFunction()
- deleteStrProp()
- deleteTable()
- deleteTableEntry()
- deselectTokens()
- dice()
- divide()
- drawVBL()
- drop()
- dropHighest()
- editStream()
- encode()
- endsWith()
- eq()
- eqs()
- equals()
- equalsStrict()
- eraseVBL()
- eval()
- evalMacro()
- execFunction()
- execLink()
- execMacro()
- explode()
- explodingSuccess()
- exportData()
- exposeAllOwnedArea()
- exposeFOW()
- exposeFogAtWaypoints()
- exposePCOnlyArea()
- f()
- factor()
- findDrawings()
- findToken()
- floor()
- formatStrProp()
- fudge()
- ge()
- getAllMapNames()
- getAllPlayerNames()
- getAllPropertyNames()
- getAlwaysVisible()
- getAssetProperties()
- getBar()
- getCurrentInitiative()
- getCurrentMapName()
- getDefinedFunctions()
- getDialogProperties()
- getDistance()
- getDistanceToXY()
- getDrawingEraser()
- getDrawingInfo()
- getDrawingLayer()
- getDrawingOpacity()
- getDrawingProperties()
- getEnvironmentVariable()
- getExposedTokenNames()
- getExposedTokens()
- getFillColor()
- getFindCount()
- getFrameProperties()
- getGMName()
- getGMNotes()
- getGroup()
- getGroupCount()
- getGroupEnd()
- getGroupStart()
- getHalo()
- getImage()
- getImpersonated()
- getImpersonatedName()
- getInfo()
- getInitiative()
- getInitiativeHold()
- getInitiativeList()
- getInitiativeRound()
- getInitiativeToken()
- getLabel()
- getLastPath()
- getLayer()
- getLibProperty()
- getLibPropertyNames()
- getLights()
- getLineCap()
- getMacroButtonIndex()
- getMacroCommand()
- getMacroContext()
- getMacroGroup()
- getMacroIndexes()
- getMacroLocation()
- getMacroName()
- getMacroProps()
- getMacros()
- getMapVisible()
- getMatchingLibProperties()
- getMatchingProperties()
- getMaxLoopIterations()
- getMaxRecursionDepth()
- getMoveCount()
- getNPC()
- getNPCNames()
- getName()
- getNewRolls()
- getNotes()
- getOverlayProperties()
- getOwned()
- getOwnedNames()
- getOwnerOnlyVisible()
- getOwners()
- getPC()
- getPCNames()
- getPenColor()
- getPenWidth()
- getPlayerName()
- getProperty()
- getPropertyDefault()
- getPropertyNames()
- getPropertyNamesRaw()
- getPropertyType()
- getRawProperty()
- getRecursionDepth()
- getRolled()
- getSelected()
- getSelectedNames()
- getSightType()
- getSize()
- getSoundProperties()
- getSpeech()
- getSpeechNames()
- getState()
- getStateImage()
- getStrProp()
- getTableAccess()
- getTableEntry()
- getTableImage()
- getTableNames()
- getTablePickOnce()
- getTablePicksLeft()
- getTableRoll()
- getTableVisible()
- getTerrainModifier()
- getTextLabelStatus()
- getTokenDrawOrder()
- getTokenFacing()
- getTokenHandout()
- getTokenHeight()
- getTokenImage()
- getTokenLayoutProps()
- getTokenMap()
- getTokenName()
- getTokenNames()
- getTokenNativeHeight()
- getTokenNativeWidth()
- getTokenOpacity()
- getTokenPortrait()
- getTokenRotation()
- getTokenShape()
- getTokenStates()
- getTokenVBL()
- getTokenWidth()
- getTokenX()
- getTokenY()
- getTokens()
- getVBL()
- getViewArea()
- getViewCenter()
- getVisible()
- getVisibleMapNames()
- getVisibleTokenNames()
- getVisibleTokens()
- getWithState()
- getWithStateNames()
- getZoom()
- goto()
- gt()
- hasImpersonated()
- hasLightSource()
- hasMacro()
- hasProperty()
- hasSight()
- hero()
- herobody()
- herokilling()
- herokilling2()
- herolab.XPath()
- herolab.getImage()
- herolab.getInfo()
- herolab.getMasterName()
- herolab.getStatBlock()
- herolab.hasChanged()
- herolab.isMinion()
- herolab.refresh()
- heromultiplier()
- herostun()
- hex()
- hideTextLabels()
- hypot()
- hypotenuse()
- if()
- impersonate()
- indexKeyStrProp()
- indexOf()
- indexValueStrProp()
- initiativeSize()
- input()
- intPart()
- isBarVisible()
- isDialogVisible()
- isExternalMacroAccessAllowed()
- isFrameVisible()
- isFunctionDefined()
- isGM()
- isNPC()
- isNumber()
- isOverlayRegistered()
- isOwnedByAll()
- isOwner()
- isPC()
- isPropertyEmpty()
- isSnapToGrid()
- isTrusted()
- isVisible()
- js.eval()
- js.evala()
- json.append()
- json.contains()
- json.count()
- json.difference()
- json.equals()
- json.evaluate()
- json.fields()
- json.fromList()
- json.fromStrProp()
- json.get()
- json.indent()
- json.indexOf()
- json.intersection()
- json.isEmpty()
- json.isSubset()
- json.length()
- json.merge()
- json.objrolls()
- json.path.add()
- json.path.delete()
- json.path.put()
- json.path.set()
- json.remove()
- json.removeAll()
- json.removeFirst()
- json.reverse()
- json.rolls()
- json.set()
- json.shuffle()
- json.sort()
- json.toList()
- json.toStrProp()
- json.toVars()
- json.type()
- json.union()
- json.unique()
- keep()
- keepLowest()
- killing()
- lastIndexOf()
- lastRolled()
- le()
- length()
- listAppend()
- listContains()
- listCount()
- listDelete()
- listFind()
- listFormat()
- listGet()
- listInsert()
- listReplace()
- listSort()
- ln()
- log()
- log.debug()
- log.error()
- log.fatal()
- log.getLoggers()
- log.setLevel()
- log.trace()
- log.warn()
- log10()
- lower()
- lt()
- macroLink()
- macroLinkText()
- markdownToHTML()
- matches()
- math.abs()
- math.acos()
- math.acos_r()
- math.arrayMax()
- math.arrayMean()
- math.arrayMedian()
- math.arrayMin()
- math.arrayProduct()
- math.arraySum()
- math.asin()
- math.asin_r()
- math.atan()
- math.atan2()
- math.atan2_r()
- math.atan_r()
- math.cbrt()
- math.ceil()
- math.cos()
- math.cos_r()
- math.cuberoot()
- math.e()
- math.floor()
- math.hypot()
- math.hypotenuse()
- math.isEven()
- math.isInt()
- math.isOdd()
- math.listMax()
- math.listMean()
- math.listMedian()
- math.listMin()
- math.listProduct()
- math.listSum()
- math.log()
- math.log10()
- math.max()
- math.min()
- math.mod()
- math.pi()
- math.pow()
- math.sin()
- math.sin_r()
- math.sqrt()
- math.squareroot()
- math.tan()
- math.tan_r()
- math.toDegrees()
- math.toRadians()
- max()
- mean()
- median()
- min()
- moveToken()
- moveTokenFromMap()
- moveTokenToMap()
- movedOverDrawing()
- movedOverPoints()
- movedOverToken()
- multiplier()
- multiply()
- ne()
- neqs()
- nextInitiative()
- not()
- notEqualsStrict()
- number()
- oldFunction()
- openTest()
- or()
- playClip()
- playStream()
- pow()
- power()
- prevInitiative()
- refreshDrawing()
- removeAllFromInitiative()
- removeAllNPCsFromInitiative()
- removeAllPCsFromInitiative()
- removeDrawing()
- removeFromInitiative()
- removeMacro()
- removeToken()
- removeTokenFacing()
- replace()
- reroll()
- rerollOnce()
- resetFrame()
- resetProperty()
- resetSize()
- resetTablePicks()
- restoreFoW()
- return()
- roll()
- rollAddWithLower()
- rollAddWithUpper()
- rollSubWithLower()
- rollWithLower()
- rollWithUpper()
- round()
- runJsFunction()
- selectTokens()
- sendDrawingToBack()
- sendToBack()
- set()
- setAllStates()
- setAlwaysVisible()
- setBar()
- setBarVisible()
- setCurrentInitiative()
- setCurrentMap()
- setDrawingEraser()
- setDrawingLayer()
- setDrawingOpacity()
- setDrawingProperties()
- setFillColor()
- setGMName()
- setGMNotes()
- setHalo()
- setHasSight()
- setInitiative()
- setInitiativeHold()
- setInitiativeRound()
- setLabel()
- setLayer()
- setLibProperty()
- setLight()
- setLineCap()
- setMacroCommand()
- setMacroProps()
- setMapName()
- setMapVisible()
- setMaxLoopIterations()
- setMaxRecursionDepth()
- setNPC()
- setName()
- setNotes()
- setOwnedByAll()
- setOwner()
- setOwnerOnlyVisible()
- setPC()
- setPenColor()
- setPenWidth()
- setProperty()
- setPropertyType()
- setSightType()
- setSize()
- setSpeech()
- setState()
- setStrProp()
- setTableAccess()
- setTableEntry()
- setTableImage()
- setTablePickOnce()
- setTableRoll()
- setTableVisible()
- setTerrainModifier()
- setTokenDrawOrder()
- setTokenFacing()
- setTokenHandout()
- setTokenHeight()
- setTokenImage()
- setTokenLayoutProps()
- setTokenOpacity()
- setTokenPortrait()
- setTokenShape()
- setTokenSnapToGrid()
- setTokenVBL()
- setTokenWidth()
- setViewArea()
- setVisible()
- setZoom()
- showTextLabels()
- sortInitiative()
- sqr()
- sqrt()
- square()
- squareroot()
- sr4()
- sr4e()
- sr5()
- sr5e()
- startsWith()
- stopSound()
- strEquals()
- strNotEquals()
- strPropFromVars()
- strfind()
- strformat()
- string()
- stringToList()
- substring()
- subtract()
- success()
- sum()
- switchToken()
- table()
- tableImage()
- tbl()
- tblImage()
- test.equal()
- toggleFoW()
- transferVBL()
- trim()
- trunc()
- u()
- ubiquity()
- upper()
- varsFromStrProp()