Introduction to Macro Loops/ja
マクロについてはbranchingで[if():]と[switch():]と、さらに高度なオプションである[macro():] と [token():]を使った例を見てきた。マクロ作成においては分岐は非常に重要な道具の一つだが、これはプレイの最中に発生するさまざまな要素や条件に基づいた判断を自動化することができるからだ。
MapTool のマクロには、[count():]、 [while():]、 [for():]、[foreach():]、の4つの反復構造が存在している。これらはいずれもロール・オプションであり、すでに見てきたように:
- It is placed at the beginning of a macro command
- It is followed by a colon
- If more than one roll option is used, they are separated by commas, and the last one is followed by a colon
- After the colon, you place the operation you want to do every time the loop runs
- マクロコマンドの先頭に置かねばならない
- 次にコロンがついていなければならない
- 複数のロール・オプションを使うなら、それぞれコンマで区切らなければならず、最後のオプションはコロンで終わらなければならない
- コロンの後ろに、ループ1回ごとに処理して欲しい内容を書いておく
この先に進む前に、以下の例で、中でも[for():] と [foreach():]で繰り返し使うことになる概念をいくつか説明しておく必要がある。
まず、文字列リストは文字列である。この文字列は、テキストとして扱う英数字から成り立つ(純粋な文字列。数値ではないので、後から数値を追加することは出来ない。ダイスロールではないので MapTool が自動的にロールすることはない。)。
第2に、文字列リストはリストである。区切り文字(セパレーターとも呼ばれる)と見なされる文字に区切られた項目の集まり。区切り文字はリスト内の個々の項目の始まりと終わりを示す。簡潔に言えば「文字列リストは、一覧(例えば色の一覧:blue, green, red, orange, mauve)を表す単体の値である」。
[h:listOfColors = "blue, green, red, orange, mauve"]
the values blue, green, red, orange, mauve
. The whole thing is enclosed in double quotes, which tells MapTool that it's a string, and from its very format, MapTool knows that it's a string list.上記例では、変数定義が書かれていて、変数 listOfColors
に blue, green, red, orange, mauve
が与えられている。MapTool は文字列を表す二重引用符に挟まれ、規則正しく書式化された箇所を文字列リストであると解釈する。
"1d6, 2d8, 1d20"
, it will not see the first item and see a command to roll 1 six-sided die; instead it will see the character "1", the character "d", and the character "6", all put together. They may look the same to us, but they don't look the same to MapTool - to turn that "1d6" into 1d6
so that MapTool will roll it, we need to use the eval() function to tell MapTool "evaluate that string as if it were a dice roll." You'll see some examples of eval() later on.ただし! 重要なことだが、文字列リスト内の各項目は常に文字列として扱われることを忘れないように。そのため、"1d6, 2d8, 1d20"
のような文字列リストを読んだ MapTool は、最初の項目を1つの6面ダイスをロールするコマンドとは見なさず、「1」の文字、「d」の文字、「6」の文字を組み合わせたものとして解釈される。見た目は同じように感じるが、MapTool にとっては異なるものである。「1d6」を MapTool がロールする 1d6
にするには、eval() 関数を使い、MapTool に「文字列をダイスロールとして評価しなさい」と伝える必要がある。後述の eval() の例を見ると良いだろう。
- Weapon Name: Broadsword
- Weapon Damage Dice: 1d8
- Weapon Damage Type: Slashing
- Weapon Category: Versatile
ここに一連のキー=値のペアがある:キー「Weapon Name」は値「Broadsword」とペア、キー「Weapon Damage Dice」は値「1d8」とペア、と行った具合に。文字列プロパティは一つの変数に上記のようなペアを示す「規則的な」書式でなりたつ。上記の武器の文字列プロパティは次のようになる:
[h:weapon1 = "name=Broadsword; damageDice=1d8; damageType=Slashing; category=Versatile;"]
[count(repetitions): command]
[count(繰り返し回数): コマンド]
[c(repetitions): command]
[c(繰り返し回数): コマンド]
- The [count():] option itself - without the option, we wouldn't need this tutorial, right?
: this is the value that tells [count():] how many times to repeatcommand
: this is the actual macro command you want count to do over and over again.
- [count():]オプションそのもの。もう説明しなくても良いね?
[h:attackBonus = 7] Toxic Cloud: [count(numAttacks): 1d20+attackBonus]
[h:attackBonus = 7] 毒性雲:[count(numAttacks): 1d20+attackBonus]
- Line 1 sets a value for
, to be used later. - Line 3 sends the text "Toxic Cloud: " to chat, and then, begins the Count Loop. Since
is undeclared, MapTool will prompt you for a value before it can start the loop. Once you enter that value, the count loop will process the calculation of1d20+attackBonus
that many times, sending the result to chat each time, and separating each result with a comma.
- 1行目で、後で使うために、
に値を代入。 - 3行目で、チャット・ウィンドウに「毒性雲:」のテキストを送り、COUNTの繰り返しを開始する。
): このマクロの出力は次のようになるはずだ(numAttacks
Toxic Cloud: 17, 19, 12, 8
毒性雲:17, 19, 12, 8
, and it's value is equal to whatever loop you're currently on. So, if you're on the first loop, roll.count
is equal to 1; on the second time through, it's equal to 2, and so on. That way, you can use that value in various ways inside your macro command. [count():]の繰り返しを実行しているとき、今が「何ラウンド目」(何ターン目)であるかが解っていると多くの場面で役に立つので、countの繰り返しを始めた時からMapToolが毎回特殊な変数を用意している。この変数はroll.count
[h:attackBonus = 7] Toxic Cloud vs:<br> [c(numAttacks, "<br>"),CODE: { [attack = 1d20+attackBonus] [damage = 1d6 + 2] Target [r:roll.count]: Attack [r:attack]; [damage] damage. }]
[h:attackBonus = 7] 毒性雲:<br> [c(numAttacks, "<br>"),CODE: { [attack = 1d20+attackBonus] [damage = 1d6 + 2] 対象 [r:roll.count]:攻撃 [r:attack]、ダメージ [damage]。 }]
- Line 1 still just sets
to 7, so we can use it later. - Line 3 outputs "Toxic Cloud vs:
" to chat (the <br> part sends a line break to chat, meaning that the next output will start on the line below the words "Toxic Cloud vs:") - Line 4 starts a more complex Count Loop. First off, we used the abbreviation for "count", which is just
. We leftnumAttacks
as is, but added a second argument - in this case, a different "separator." All loops in MapTool macros have a default separator, which is the comma. However, you don't always want to separate your results with a comma, right? In this situation, we want to separate them with a line break, so each result is on its own line in chat. So, we put the new separator in - an HTML line break character, or <br>. - Line 4 also uses the CODE roll option, which is discussed in Introduction to Macro Branching, and lets us do multiple operations as a single group.
- Line 6 sets the variable
to the sum ofattackBonus
and 1d20. - Line 7 sets the variable
to the sum of1d6+2
. - Line 8 is a combination of text and variables, which are output to chat. Note that the variable
is in there, which will be replaced with whatever iteration the loop happens to be on. - Line 9 closes the CODE block, and the whole command.
- 1行目で、前回と同じように、後ほど使用するために
に7を代入。 - 3行目では、チャットに「有毒雲:
」と出力。(<br>の部分は、チャット・ウィンドウに改行を出力する。次の出力を「有毒雲:」の下の行から出力させるためのものだ) - 4行目では、より複雑な COUNT の繰り返しを開始する。まず、「count」の短縮形である
はそのままだが、2つめの引数(標準ではない「区切り文字」)を追加している。MapToolのすべての繰り返し処理はコンマを標準の区切り文字として備えているが、結果を表示するときにいつもコンマを区切り文字として使いたいわけではないだろう? ここでは、チャットにそれぞれの結果を一行づつ表示したいので改行で区切りたいところだ。そこで、HTMLの改行文字(<br>)を区切り文字に指定した。 - 4行目では、さらにロールオプションの CODE (はじめてのマクロ分岐で 取り上げた)を使い、複数の処理をひとつのグループにまとめている。
- 6行目では、変数
と1d20を合計したものを代入。 - 7行目では、変数
の合計を代入。 - 8行目では、テキストと変数をつなぎ合わせて、チャットに出力している。ここで変数
は現在の繰り返し回数と置き換わっているわけだ。 - 9行目で CODE ブロックを閉じ、すべてのコマンドを終了する。
Toxic Cloud vs:
Target 1: Attack 17; 6 damage.
Target 2: Attack 12; 5 damage.
Target 3: Attack 19; 7 damage.
Target 4: Attack 10; 3 damage.
対象 1:攻撃 17、ダメージ 6。
対象 2:攻撃 12、ダメージ 5。
対象 3:攻撃 19、ダメージ 7。
対象 4:攻撃 10、ダメージ 3。
では次の繰り返し構造:[while():]を学んでいこう。この構造は、繰り返し回数を決めるために条件文を用いる際、まず初めに考慮に入れるものである(前述の count も値を使用するが、いかなる比較もしていない)。一般的な[while():]の書式は:
[while(condition): command]
[while(条件式): コマンド]
- [while():]: of course, we need to add the roll option itself
- condition: this is the comparison that we make, to see if the loop needs to stop - it can be any of the logical comparisons we've discussed already (such as,
loops < 10
ornumDice > 5
or anything you can think of). - command: the macro command (or commands, if you use the CODE option) to run each time the loop goes 'round.
- [while():]:言うまでもなく、ロールオプションを加えなければならない。
- 条件式:繰り返しを止めるべきかどうか判断するために必要な比較を行うものだ(例えば、
loops < 10
やnumDice > 5
など思いつくものなら何でも)。 - command:繰り返しの処理が巡ってくるたびに実行するマクロコマンド(CODEオプションを使う場合は一連のコマンド)。
つまり、while を用いた繰り返しは「条件式が真であるあいだ、これをやり続けなさい」ということだ。いくつかの例を見てみよう。
[h:num = 10] [while(num > 0): num = num - 1]
is greater than 0, subtract 1 from num
, and repeat." Each time through the loop, the value of num
will be checked by MapTool. If it is greater than 0, it will let the command num = num-1
happen, and display the result in chat; if num
is not greater than 0, then the loop will be halted. The output of this macro looks like:上記のマクロは、「変数num
が 0 より大きい値でいる間、num
の値を確認している。値が0より大きければ、num = num-1
having the value of 10, the first time we see any output is when the operation num -1
takes place - so the first thing we see is num - 1
, which is 9. 「10」が表示されないことに気づくだろう。繰り返し WHILE は num
は10の値とともに開始して、なんらか出力を最初に見るときは、num -1
の処理が行われる場合なので、最初に目にする値は num -1
- A character has a machine gun with 30 rounds of ammunition
- They may fire one to six rounds for every action
- If their attack roll of 1d20 is greater than 15, they may make another attack; otherwise, they must end their turn. They always get at least 1 attack, though.
- キャラクターは30発の弾薬を持つマシンガンを装備している
- このキャラクターはアクションごとに1〜6発、発砲することができる
- 1d20の攻撃ロールが16以上の場合、さらにもう一回攻撃することができる。15以下であれば、ターンを終える。とはいえ常に最低1回の攻撃機会を得る。
So what we need to do is repeat the operation until either the weapon runs out of ammo, or they roll less than a 15 on their attack. Here's how that macro would look:
[h:ammo = 30] [h:hit = 1] [while(ammo > 0 && hit == 1, "<br>"),CODE: { [h:attackRoll = 1d20] [h:ammoSpent = 1d6] [h,if(attackRoll > 15): hit = 1; hit = 0] [h:ammo = ammo - ammoSpent] Your first attack expends [r:ammoSpent] rounds, and [if(hit==1, "hits.", "misses.")] You have [r:ammo] rounds remaining. }] [if(hit==0): "Your turn ends because you missed a target."] [if(ammo==0): "Your turn ends because you are out of ammo."]
[h:ammo = 30] [h:hit = 1] [while(ammo > 0 && hit == 1, "<br>"),CODE: { [h:attackRoll = 1d20] [h:ammoSpent = 1d6] [h,if(attackRoll > 15): hit = 1; hit = 0] [h:ammo = ammo - ammoSpent] 君の最初の攻撃で [r:ammoSpent] 発消費し、[if(hit==1, "命中した。", "失敗した。")] 弾薬はあと [r:ammo] 発残っている。 }] [if(hit==0): "攻撃に失敗したので、ターン終了。"] [if(ammo==0): "弾薬が無くなったので、ターン終了。"]
- Line 1 and 2 set two important variables:
. We setammo
to 30, per the assumptions above, and we sethit
to 1, so that the character always gets at least one attack roll (if we didn't sethit
to 1, the loop might stop before it started!). - Line 4 is the start of the While Loop: we establish the loop, and give it a combined condition. We say that while
has a value greater than 30, and (remember, two ampersands is the logical operator "and")hit
is equal to 1, the loop should go 'round. If either or both of those is not true, then the loop should stop. Also, we set the separator to <br>, so that a new line will be printed each time the loop runs. - Lines 5 - 9 handle the actual loop processing. Note that in that loop, we make sure to set a new value for
- this is critical. If you never change the variables that your conditions are based on, then your loop will never stop.
It's worth repeating: in a while loop, you must change the variable that your condition is checking, or you can end up with a loop that never stops.
So, the output of this macro will look something like:
Your attack expends 6 rounds, and hits. You have 24 rounds remaining.
Your attack expends 2 rounds, and hits. You have 22 rounds remaining.
Your attack expends 3 rounds, and misses. You have 19 rounds remaining. Your turn ends because you missed a target.
FOR: I Couldn't Think of Anything Catchy
The next loop structure to address is the [for():] roll option. This option is somewhat similar to [while():], because it repeats a sequence of code a number of times based on a particular condition; it is also like [count():] because that particular condition is "has our counter reached a particular number yet?"
The general format for a [for():] loop is:
[for(counter, start, end, stepsize, separator): command]
Here's how that breaks down:
- [for():]: as always, we need to actually put the roll option in there
- counter: this is the variable that will be used to count the iterations through the loop; typically people us a simple 1-letter variable in here, like
. For examples below, we'll usei
. - start: this is what the
variable starts at (it can be zero, another variable, or any other numeric value) - end: this is the value that ends the loop
- In a loop where the
variable is increasing - in other words, a loop with a positivestepsize
- the loop runs as long ascounter
is less thanend
- In a loop where the
variable is decreasing- in other words, a loop with a negativestepsize
- the loop runs as long ascounter
is greater thanend
- In a loop where the
- stepsize: this is how big the increment is for each iteration of the loop (for example, if you set
to 2, thencounter
will increase by 2 ever iteration). The default stepsize is +1 (that is, by default, thecounter
variable increments by 1 each time the loop is processed). - separator: like with [count():] and [while():], this is an optional separator to show between each output line from the loop; the default is a comma.
Example 1: Basic Countdown
This example illustrates how the [for():] option's various components work. As with the previous looping structure, this is a basic countdown:
[FOR(i,10,0,-2): "i is now " + i]
In this example, we have specified all components of the loop:
- The counter variable is
. - The start value is
- The end value is
- The stepsize is
(the counter decrements by 2 every time the loop processes)
The output of this will look like:
i is now 10, i is now 8, i is now 6, i is now 4, i is now 2
You will note that there is no i is now 0 step - this is because when the counter counts down to 0, i
is no longer greater than 0.
Example 2: Creating a Table With Multiple Rows
This example illustrates a practical use of the [for():] option to create a table that will be sent to chat, with a number of rows based on how many properties are in a String List.
[h:theList = "Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Intelligence"] [h:numberOfRows = listCount(theList)] <table border="1"> [for(i, 0, numberOfRows, 1, ""): "<tr><td>"+listGet(theList, i)+"</td></tr>"] </table>
The example above uses a few cool commands to generate the output.
is simply a string list variable containing four elements- listCount() is a function that, when you put the name of a string list variable in it, will return the number of elements in the string list
- We create the beginning of an HTML table by using the <table> tag
- The [for():] loop here uses the counter variable
, which starts at 0, and counts up until it reachesnumberOfRows
. It increases by 1 each loop, and the default separator has been changed to""
so that no extraneous commas are printed to chat. - Inside the loop, we concatenate the HTML tags for table rows and table cells around the function listGet(). This function will retrieve, from a string list variable, the value of the element that is at the position specified in the second argument. In this case, we say, "get from the variable
the value of the element that's in the same position asi
" - so that it starts with element 0 (all lists start at item 0 in MapTool) and each time we loop through, it gets the next element. - At the end, we close the table with the appropriate HTML tag.
The output looks like this. If you add in several more elements to the variable theList
, the table will grow in size to accommodate the new elements.
Strength Endurance Dexterity Intelligence
FOREACH: A Very Special FOR
The [for():] loop structure lets you repeat a set of commands a specified number of times, with flexible beginning, ending, and steps. That looping method is applicable to many things, and can be looked at as a very "general" way to loop - it gives you lots of flexibility with where you start and end, and can be used for many operations.
However, frequently loops are used to go through a list of items that is already established, and it is kind of a pain to have to make sure to count each list, then assign the variables in a [for():] loop, and make sure you can figure out how the counter
variable corresponds to the position of an item in a list. So, a different kind of for loop - one that handles most of that without bothering you about it - also exists. This one is called [foreach():].
In a [foreach():] loop, the looping structure is given two arguments: the name of a string list, and a variable. The variable takes on the value of each element in the list, in turn, as the looping structure iterates. That's a bit confusing, so first, let's look at the general structure of a [foreach():] loop:
[foreach(item, list): command]
- [foreach():]: once again, the roll option itself.
- item: this is the variable that takes on the value of each successive element in the list or property
- list: this is the string list you want the
to work on - command: the operation you want performed on each successive
To explain that in plain English: assume for a moment that there you have the names of several targets (NPC tokens) that your character wants to attack at the same time. You need to make an attack roll against each target, which is equal to 1d20 + 7, but you have to roll separately for each target.
You could write out the attacks each time like this:
I attack target 1: [1d20+7]<br>
I attack target 2: [1d20+7]<br>
I attack target 3: [1d20+7]<br>
I attack target 4: [1d20+7]<br>
And so forth and so on. Not so bad if you have 3 targets. But what if you have 6? Or 12?
So instead, what if you created a single variable that was a list of the names of each target? Then, you can use the [foreach():] loop to go through the list one by one and let you make the roll with a very efficient little bit of code. [foreach():] may be a little hard to explain, but once you understand what it can do, you will see how useful it can be!
Now, let's jump to some examples.
Example 1: Listing the Contents of a String List
This simple example will go through a string list, and list the value of each element in the list, from beginning to end.
[h:theList = "18, Bob, 29, Foo, 1009, Snorkel"] [foreach(item, theList, "<br>"): item]
In the above macro, we've created a [foreach():] loop that takes the list variable theList
, and goes to each element in that list, and assigns the value of that element to the variable item
. We've set the separator to the HTML code for a line break, and then -- after the colon -- instructed the macro to print the value of the variable item
to the chat window.
The output of that macro looks like:
Do you see what happened there? The foreach() option went to each element in theList
, said, "the variable item
is now equal to the element," and then printed the value of item
to chat.
Example 2: Attacking a Bunch of Bad Guys
Now, let's look at the example described in the beginning. Remember how we had those target names to attack? Here's how we'd do that:
[h:targetList = "Orc 1, Goblin 2, Orc 4, Zombie 17, Big Boss"] [foreach(target, targetList, "<br>"),CODE: { [h:attackRoll = 1d20+7] I attack [r:target] with an attack roll of [r:attackRoll] }]
- The first line simply sets up the variable
, as discussed. - The foreach loop goes through each element in
, assigning its value to the variabletarget
. So, the first time through,target
has the value of the first item intargetList
- in other words,target
is equal toOrc 1
. The second time through,target
equals the second item in the list, and so on. - The [code():] roll option is used so we can execute multiple commands (and because it sometimes makes formatting the output a little easier)
- Inside the CODE brackets, we calculate a variable called
. This is recalculated on every loop, so it's different for eachtarget
. - Finally, we generate some chat output, inserting the variable
and the variableattackRoll
in the appropriate places.
The output of that macro, when sent to chat, looks like:
I attack Orc 1 with an attack roll of 12
I attack Goblin 2 with an attack roll of 11
I attack Orc 4 with an attack roll of 21
I attack Zombie 17 with an attack roll of 17
I attack Big Boss with an attack roll of 9
That about covers the looping basics for MapTool macros. The examples shown above are very simple, of course - just enough to show you how these work. But looping is incredibly useful for many applications in a MapTool macro, from generating multiple die rolls to building tables to editing token properties, so make sure to experiment with it.