listGet() Function
• Introduced in version 1.3b42
Returns the value in the string list at the specified index. The index for a string list starts at 0.
Output is 5, when is should be 4 because of the 2 SPACE characters counting as 1.
Known Bug: If you use a whitespace character like a SPACE or TAB, listGet will pull the wrong indexed value.
[H: a = "1 2 4 5"]
[r: listGet(a,3," ")]
listGet(list, index)
listGet(list, index, delim)
If delim is not specified then the default value of ',' is used as the value separator in the string list
[r: listGet("This, is, a , test", 2)]
Returns a
[r: listGet("This: is: a :test", 1, ":")]