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macroLink() Function

Introduced in version 1.3b48
Creates the HTML for a link which will run the specified macro when clicked on.


macroLink(text, macroName)
macroLink(text, macroName, output)
macroLink(text, macroName, output, args)
macroLink(text, macroName, output, args, target)

The string generated by the macroLink function follows this format:

<a href="macro://macroName/output/target?args">text</a>

  • text is the text to display for the link.
  • macroName is the name of the macro to run when the link is clicked. The macroName is in the same format that is used for [macro(...): ...] e.g. Test@Lib:test
  • output contains who the output of the macro should go to, values are (defaults to none)
    • self - Display only to person who clicked on the link.
    • gm - Display to GM.
    • all - everyone (acts like a /say)
    • none - discard any output.
  • args Any arguments to be passed to the macro when it is called.
  • target Which tokens to run the macro on. Target can be one or more of the following separated by commas (defaults to impersonated)


To create a link that will call a macro called Test on the Library Token named Lib:Test that says "Click on me!" and displays the output to the GM.
[r: macroLink("Click on me!", "Test@Lib:Test", "gm", "count=6", "impersonated")]

produces this output:

<a href="macro://Test@Lib:Test/gm/impersonated?count=6;">Click on me!</a>