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json.get() Function

Introduced in version 1.3b49
Returns the value in a JSON Array at the specified index, returns a slice of a JSON Array from the specified indexes, or returns the value from JSON Object for the specified key.


json.get(array, index)
json.get(array, start, end)
json.get(object, key, key, ...)


  • array - The JSON Array to retrieve the element from.
  • index - The numerical index of the element you want returned.
  • start - The starting index of the element you wish the slice to begin at.
  • end - The ending index of the element you wish the slice to end at.
  • object - The JSON Object to retrieve the element from.
  • key - The name of a field that should be returned. This parameter can exist more than once, if it does then a JSON Object is returned with all the specified elements.

When extracting slices: Negative numbers can be used as the offsets from the end of the array, -1 is the last element in the array, -2 is the second to last, and so on. If the end index is smaller than the start index then the array slice is returned in reverse. (Negative numbers do not work with

  • index - The numerical index of the element you want returned.


  a) [h: jo = json.fromStrProp("a=1; b=44; cat=meow")] [r: json.get(jo, "b")] <br>
  b) [h: jo = json.fromStrProp("a=1; b=44; cat=meow")] [r: json.get(jo, "XX")] <br>
  c) [h: jo = json.fromStrProp("a=1; b=44; cat=meow")] [r: json.get(jo, "cat", "a")] <br>
  d) [h: jo = json.fromStrProp("a=1; b=44; cat=meow")] [r: json.get(jo, "b", "XX")] <br>
  e) [h: ja = json.fromList("1,44,meow")] [r: json.get(ja, 1)] <br>
  f) [h: ja = json.fromList("1,44,meow")] [r: json.get(ja, 2)] <br>
  g) [h: ja = json.fromList("1,44,meow")] [r: json.get(ja, 1, 2)] <br>
  h) [h: ja = json.fromList("1,44,meow")] [r: json.get(ja, 0, -1)] <br>
  i) [h: ja = json.fromList("1,44,meow")] [r: json.get(ja, 2, 0)] <br> 
  j) [h: ja = json.fromList("1,44,meow")] [r: json.get(ja, -1, 0)] <br>
  ERROR a) [h: ja = json.fromList("1,44,meow")] [r: json.get(ja, -1)] <br>
  ERROR b) [h: ja = json.fromList("1,44,meow")] [r: json.get(ja, 3)] <br>


 a) 44 -- a value
 b)    -- empty string "", as XX does not exist
 c) {"cat":"meow","a":1} -- a JSON object
 d) {"b":44,"XX":""} -- a JSON object
 e) 44 -- a value
 f) meow -- a value
 g) [1,44,"meow"] -- an array slice of 0..2  
 h) ["meow",44] -- an array slice from 2..1 
 i) [1,44,"meow"] -- an array slice from 0..end
 j) ["meow",44] -- an array slice from end..1
 ERROR a) -- java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, negatives unfortunately crash when using single index (works only with slices). 
ERROR a) -- java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, the last valid index is 2

Version Changes