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json.get() Function

Introduced in version 1.3b49
Returns the value in a JSON Array at the specified index, returns a slice of a JSON Array from the specified indexes, or returns the value from JSON Object for the specified key.


json.get(array, index)
json.get(array, start, end)
json.get(object, key, key, ...)


  • array - The JSON Array to retrieve the element from.
  • index - The numerical index of the element you want returned.
  • start - The starting index of the element you wish the slice to begin at.
  • end - The ending index of the element you wish the slice to end at.
  • object - The JSON Object to retrieve the element from.
  • key - The name of a field that should be returned. This parameter can exist more than once, if it does then a JSON Object is returned with all the specified elements.

Negative numbers can be used as the offsets from the end of the array, -1 is the last element in the array, -2 is the second to last, and so on. If the end index is smaller than the start index then the array slice is returned in reverse.


  a) [h: jo = json.fromStrProp("a=1; b=44; cat=12")] [r: json.get(jo, "b")]
  b) [h: jo = json.fromStrProp("a=1; b=44; cat=12")] [r: json.get(jo, "XX")]
  c) [h: jo = json.fromStrProp("a=1; b=44; cat=12")] [r: json.get(jo, "b", "a")]
  d) [h: jo = json.fromStrProp("a=1; b=44; cat=12")] [r: json.get(jo, "b", "XX")]
  e) [h: ja = json.fromList("1,44,12")] [r: json.get(ja, 1)]
  f) [h: ja = json.fromList("1,44,12")] [r: json.get(ja, 7)]


 a) 44
 b) empty string as XX does not exist -- ""
 c) a JSON object -- {"b":44,"a":1}
 d) a JSON object -- {"b":44,"XX":""}
 e) 44
f) code error -- java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Version Changes