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Revision as of 06:31, 12 July 2013 by JML (talk | contribs) (Player parameter not yet added)
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isGM() Function

Introduced in version 1.3b48
Returns true(1) if the player is a GM or false(0) if they are not.



 Note: This refers to a proposed change that has not been implemented in the main code base yet.

  • player - player's name as a string to check if he is a GM or not.


I am a [r,if(isGM()): "GM"; "Player"]

 Note: This refers to a proposed change that has not been implemented in the main code base yet.

[r: player = getPlayerName()] is a [r,if(isGM(player)): "GM"; "Player"]
Note: this macro does not make much sense, since it could be achieved just as well without using the parameter.

Version Changes

 Note: This refers to a proposed change that has not been implemented in the main code base yet.
* b90 - Added player parameter