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hasLightSource() Function

Introduced in version 1.3b48
Returns 1 if the Current Token has any light sources that match the criteria passed in or 0 if there are no matches. If no arguments are passed to the function then it will return 1 if any light source is on. If only the first argument is passed it will return 1 if any light source of that light source type is on. If both arguments are passed to the function it will return 1 if the light source with the specified name and specified light source type is on.


hasLightSource(type, name)
hasLightSource(type, name, id)
hasLightSource(type, name, id, mapname)


  • type - The light source type, (e.g. "Generic", "D20"). If "*" is entered, all light sources types are checked.
  • name - the name of the light source. If "*" is entered, all light sources names are checked.
  • id - The token id of the token which is checked for light sources, defaults to the Current Token.

     Note: This parameter can only be used in a Trusted Macro

  • mapname - The name of the map to find the token. Defaults to the current map.


Check to see if any light source is on.
[h: l = hasLightSource()]

Check to see if a "D20" lamp is on.

[h: l = hasLightSource("D20", "Lamp - 15")]

Check to see if any "D20" light source is on.

[h: l = hasLightSource("D20")

Version Changes

  • 1.5.4 - Added id and mapname parameter options. Changed behavior if type or name are set to "*".