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getMacroProps() Function

Introduced in version 1.3b48
Returns a property list of the properties for a macro button for the Current Token. You can retrieve the index of a macro button with the getMacroIndexes() function.The type of the value returned depends on the delimiter parameter.


getMacroProps(label, delim)
getMacroProps(index, delim)
getMacroProps(label, delim, id)
getMacroProps(index, delim, id)


  • label - The label for the macro button. If you specify a label then all macro buttons on the token that have that label will be returned.
  • index - The index of the macro button.
  • delim - The delimiter used to separate the values in the string property list which defaults to ";" if not specified. This function returns a JSON object if "json" is specified.
  • id - The token id of the token that the function is executed on.

     Note: This parameter can only be used in a Trusted Macro

Valid Properties for Macro Buttons

  • autoExec - true/false - Will the macro be automatically executed when the button is clicked on.
  • color - The name of the color for the button.
  • fontColor - The name of the font color for the button.
  • includeLabel - true/false - Will the label be output when the button is clicked.
  • group - The name of the group that the button is in.
  • sortBy - The sort by value of the macro button.
  • index - The index of the button.
  • label - the lavle of the button.
  • fontSize - The size of the font for the button.
  • minWidth - the minimum width of the button.

Version Changes

  • 1.3b49 - Added json delimiter option.
  • 1.3b51 - Added optional token id parameter.