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drawVBL() Function

 Note: This function can only be used in a Trusted Macro

Introduced in version 1.3b89
This function erases Vision Blocking Layer (VBL) shapes.



This function works EXACTLY the same as eraseVBL() with the ONLY difference that drawVBL draws the shapes on the vision blocking layer and eraseVBL() erases them.


The shapes can be one of "Rectangle", "Circle", "Polygon" or "Cross".

For "shape":"Rectangle" and "shape":"Cross":

  • "x" - Abscissa in pixels. (aka: X-Coordinate)
  • "y" - Ordinate in pixels. (aks: Y-Coordinate)
  • "w" - Width in pixels.
  • "h" - Height in pixels.
  • "r" - Rotation on centre axis in degrees, clockwise. Using default mathematical system: '0' is no rotation, + is clockwise, - is counterclockwise. Optional.
  • "facing" - Rotation on centre axis in degrees, clockwise. Using the MT facing system: '0' will rotate the shape 90 degrees anticlockwise, + is counterclockwise, - is clockwise. When using both 'r' and 'facing', then 'facing' takes precedence. Optional.
  • "rx" - Rotation centre offset in pixels. Optional.
  • "ry" - Rotation centre offset in pixels. When used the centre over which the shape is rotated is positioned at the rx,ry coordinate. The centre defaults to the actual centre of the shape. Optional.
  • "fill" - If 1 fills rectangle, otherwise creates empty shape. Optional.
  • "thickness" - Line thickness from 2 to n pixels. Lower than 2 or empty defaults to 2. Even numbers only (odd numbers get rounded down by one). Can't be bigger than width or height. Optional.
  • "scale" - If provided number not 0, will scale rectangle by x, ie scale: 2 is double, scale: 0.5 is half. Optional.
[h:rectangle	= "{'shape':'rectangle','x':50,'y':50,'w':100,'h':200,'r':45,'fill':1,'thickness':1,'scale':0}"]
[h:cross	= "{'shape':'cross','x':-50,'y':-50,'w':50,'h':100,'r':30,'fill':1,'thickness':1,'scale':2}"]

For "shape":"Circle":

  • "x" - see "shape":"rectangle".
  • "y" - see "shape":"rectangle".
  • "radius" - In pixels.
  • "sides" - Specifies how many sides the polygon will have to approximate a circle, from 3 to 100. Optional.
  • "r" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "facing" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "rx" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "ry" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "fill" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "thickness" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "scale" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
[h:circle = "{'shape':'circle', 'X':50, 'Y':100, 'radius':200, 'thickness':3, 'fill':0, 'sides':12,'r':45}"]
Note that this shape can be used to easily create regular polygons, e.g. a triangle:
{"shape":"circle", "X":50, "Y":100, "radius":200, "sides":3, "thickness":3, "fill":0, "r":30}
and a quare:
{"shape":"circle", "X":50, "Y":100, "radius":200, "thickness":3, "fill":0, "sides":4,"r":45}

For "shape":"Polygon":

  • "points" - JSON Array of 2 or more "x", "y" coordinates.
  • "close" - If 1 then it will close the polygon otherwise it will leave it open. Optional.
  • "r" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "facing" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "rx" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "ry" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "fill" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "thickness" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
  • "scale" - see "shape":"rectangle". Optional.
[h:polygon = "{'shape':'polygon','r':0,'close':1,'thickness':10,'points':[{'x':0,'y':0},{'x':200,'y':200},{'x':150,'y':10}]}"]


This example buildS an array of the object from the above examples and then feeds that array into the drawVBL function
[h:rectangle	= "{'shape':'rectangle','x':50,'y':50,'w':100,'h':200,'r':45,'fill':1,'thickness':1,'scale':0}"]
[h:cross	= "{'shape':'cross','x':-50,'y':-50,'w':50,'h':100,'r':30,'fill':1,'thickness':1,'scale':2}"]
[h:circle	= "{'shape':'circle', 'X':50, 'Y':100, 'radius':200, 'thickness':3, 'fill':0, 'sides':12,'r':45}"]
[h:polygon	= "{'shape':'polygon','r':0,'close':1,'thickness':10,'points':[{'x':0,'y':0},{'x':200,'y':200},{'x':150,'y':10}]}"] 
[h:objectArrary	= json.append('',rectangle, cross, circle, polygon)]

results in:

See Also