Function formatStrProp
Returns a custom-formatted version of the property string.
[h: formatStrProp(props, listFormat, entryFormat, separator) ]
- listFormat is a string that is emitted once. It should contain the text "%list", which is replaced with the formatted items.
- entryFormat is emitted once per item. Any instances of "%key" and "%value" in the string are replaced with the key or value for that setting.
- separator is emitted in between the formatted items.
[h: props = "Strength=14 ; Constitution=8 ; Dexterity=13 ; Intelligence=4 ; Wisdom=18 ; Charisma=9"]
[formatStrProp(props, "<table border=1>%list</table>", "<tr> <td><b>%key</b></td> <td>%value</td> </tr>", "")]
(prints settings in a formatted table):