Library Token/ja
{{#customtitle:ライブラリトークン|ライブラリトークン}} Introduced in MapTool version b46, the Library Token is a special token type that acts as a library of properties and trusted macros that may be accessed and called by other macros.
All library tokens must have a name in the format "Lib:name", to indicate that they are to serve as a Library Token and not a "normal" token. Example library token names might be:
- Lib:test
- Lib:combat
- Lib:gamemaster
To create a Library Token, do the following:
- Drag a new token on to one of the maps in your campaign.
- Rename it with a name in the format Lib:name (e.g., Lib:DnD, Lib:GameRules, etc.).
- Right click on the token and make sure that Visible to Players is checked.
- Double-click on it, and go to the Ownership tab. Make sure that nothing is checked.
- Set the token type to NPC (upper right corner of the Token Configuration dialog).
After that, you have a Library Token. Note that you cannot have two library tokens with the same name in the same campaign (even if they're on different maps!).
Once again, the requirements are:
- The library token must be visible to players (make sure Visible to Players is set in the right-click context menu). The library token need not be on the "Token" layer (you can keep it on the "Hidden" layer to hide it from players, although "Visible to Players" must still be set to true).
- The library token must have a name in the format "Lib:name"
- The library token must be present on only one map in the campaign file.
- The library token may not be owned by any players (it's best not to be owned by ANYONE!)
In addition to the above requirements if you want players to be able to run any macro that calls a function designated as a trusted function the following requirement must also be met.
- The library token must not be owned by any players (in the Ownership tab of the Edit Token dialog, make sure that no boxes are checked)
Multiple library tokens may exist in the same campaign provided no two library tokens have the same token name.
Library token macros are created and edited like macros on any token. Macros on a library token may be called using the [MACRO(): ] roll option. Since Library token macros are trusted, they may perform operations not available to regular tokens.
Library token properties can be accessed by using the getLibProperty() function. Note that default property values do NOT work using that function.