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hasProperty() Function

Introduced in version 1.3b48
Returns true(1) if the Token Property with the specified name exists on a Token. The function will return true if the token possesses the specified property, even if that property is not defined in the token's current property type.


hasProperty(name, id)
hasProperty(name, id, mapname)


  • name - The name of the Token Property which is checked for on the token.
  • id - The token id of the token which is checked for the Token Property, defaults to the Current Token.

     Note: This parameter can only be used in a Trusted Macro

  • mapname - The name of the map to find the token. Defaults to the current map.

Version Changes

  • 1.3b51 - Added id parameter option.
  • 1.5.4 - Added mapname parameter option.