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setLayer() Function

 Note: This function can only be used in a Trusted Macro

Introduced in version 1.3b48
Sets the Map Layer that a Token is on.

The Map Layer is one of:

  • GM also known as Hidden


setLayer(layer, id)
setLayer(layer, id, forceshape)
setLayer(layer, id, forceshape, mapname)


  • layer - The layer to move the Token to.
  • id - The token id of the token which has its layer set, defaults to the Current Token.
  • forceshape - If true(1), change the token shape type to TOP_DOWN if the layer is OBJECT, and to a shape reflecting its image if the layer is TOKEN. Defaults to true(1).
  • mapname - The name of the map to find the token. Defaults to the current map.


When an NPC token is dead, send it to the Object layer, otherwise leave it where it is.
[h: layerName = getLayer()]
[h: layerName = if(state.Dead&&isNPC(), "OBJECT", layerName)]
[h: setLayer(layerName)]

Toggle a token between the Hidden and Token layers.

[h: layerName = getLayer()]
[h: layerName = if(layerName=="GM", "TOKEN", "GM")]
[h: setLayer(layerName)]

See Also

Version Changes

  • 1.3b51 - Added id parameter option.
  • 1.5.4 - Added mapname parameter option.