if (roll option)

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[if():] Roll Option

* Introduced in version 1.3b46

Branches the flow of the roll as determined by the condition.


[if(condition): true_body]
[if(condition): true_body; false_body]


  • condition - The condition/s to check to determine which roll (true_body or false_body) is executed, if any. The condition/s can only contain one level of nested parenthesis.
  • true_body - The roll that is executed if the condition evaluates to true(1). To use compound statements in the true_body, you must use the [code():] roll option in conjunction with this roll option.
  • false_body - The roll that is executed if the condition evaluates to false(0). If no false_body is given, there is no output if the condition evaluates to false(0). To use complex rolls in the false_body, you must use the [code():] roll option in conjunction with this roll option.

Operators are used to compare two variables, strings, literal numbers, expressions, or function outputs within a condition.

Conditional Operators:

  • > - Greater than
  • < - Less than
  • >= - Greater than or equal to
  • <= - Less than or equal to
  • == - Equal to
  • != or ne - Not equal

Logical Operators:

  • && - And
  • || - Or

Boolean Operators:

  • true
  • false
  • ! - Not

It is important to note that the Equal to condition operator must be two equal signs (==). If you are checking for a text string, place quotes around the text.

Known Limitations

  • Number of () levels

The [if():] doesn't allow more than two levels of nested parenthesis (). Adding a third or more will produce a bad option parameters error.

[R, if(((1))),code:{True};{False}]


Roll option "if": bad option parameters 1.       
Statement options (if any): r,if(((1))),code       
Statement Body : {True};{False}
Error trace : (new)@campaign

This also applies to nesting function calls such as:

[r,if(getName(getSelected()) == "Giant Rat"): val=1; val=0]

This is okay:

[r,if(getName() == "Giant Rat"): val=1; val=0]


Sets the variable newVal to 12*12 if the variable val equals 12.

[h,if(val == 12): newVal=12*12]
New Value = [r: newVal]

Returns New Value = 144

Example with logical operators:

[h,if((val > 12 && val < 24) || val == 5): val=1 ; val=0]

These examples perform the same function. If val is not a number, make val equal 0.

[h, if (! isNumber(val)): val = 0)]
[h, if (isNumber(val) == 0): val = 0)]
[h, if (isNumber(val) == false): val = 0)]

Using code block:


See Also

if(), isNumber(), [code():], Introduction to Macro Branching