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getDistanceToXY() Function

Introduced in version 1.3b51
Gets the distance to a target grid cell.


getDistanceToXY(x, y)
getDistanceToXY(x, y, units)
getDistanceToXY(x, y, units, source)
getDistanceToXY(x, y, units, source, metric)


  • x - The X coordinate of the target grid cell.
  • y - The Y coordinate of the target grid cell.
  • units - If set to false(0) the distance is returned in cells. Default is returning Distance Per Cell units.
  • source - The id of the token to measure the distance from. Default is the current token.
  • metric - The movement metric to use which defaults to the movement metric in the users preferences, the metric can be one of the following strings
    • NO_GRID - The grid is ignored and straight line distance between the tokens is returned.
    • ONE_TWO_ONE - First Diagonal movement costs 1, second 2, and so on (Square grid only).
    • ONE_ONE_ONE - Diagonal movement costs a single square (Square grid only).
    • MANHATTAN - Diagonal movement costs 2 (Square grid only).
    • NO_DIAGONALS - No diagonal movement is allowed (Square grid only).


To get the distance from the current token to 10,10.
[h: dist = getDistanceToXY(10, 10)]

To get the distance between the Altar and 10, 10 in the number of squares or hexes.

[h: dist = getDistanceToXY(10, 10, 0, "Altar")]

To get the distance between the Altar and 10, 10 in map distance units.

[h: dist = getDistanceToXY(10, 10, 1, "Altar")]

To get the straight line distance between the Altar and 10, 10.

[h: dist = getDistanceToXY(10, 10, 1, "Altar", "NO_GRID")]

See Also

Version Changes

b55 - added the optional metric argument.
