Working With Two CODE Levels

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Working with 2 CODE Levels

One of the biggest limitations of the MT macro script is that the script parser can't handle more that 2 levels of {}. So This will work

 [If(condition), CODE:{
   [if(another_condition), CODE:{
      [code to execute when true]

And this won't:

 [If(condition), CODE:{
   [if(another_condition), CODE:{
     [if(another_condition), CODE:{
       [code to execute when true]

So what to do when you do need to go deeper?

Basically there are 3 general tricks you can use if you need to go deeper:

Trick 1: Create another UDF

One of the most common 'tricks' is to create a User Defined Function (UDF) and call this in the nested level. Within this UDF you can yet again go 2 CODE levels deep.

Trick 2: Code smarter

Many many examples can be give here, but you can achieve a lot by using roll options e.g.

 [if(condition): if(another_condition, "show this", "else show this"); if(yet_another_condition, "show this"; "else show this")]

You can also work with multiple roll options, but this 'should' not work, but does sometimes work e.g.

 [foreach(item,items), if(item == someVar), CODE:{};{}]

Works while

 [if(listCount(items)>2), foreach(item,items), CODE:{};{}]

Won't work. A lot can be achieved by restructuring your code in this manner.

Trick 3: Store commands

One final trick I recently learned from Ahzrei is a rather dirty trick but can be used in certain circumstances. In my case I have code that needs to be executed that is already two levels deep and then I ALSO want to execute this for certain selected tokens. In this case you can first store the to-execute-commands in a json object and then exit the two loops. Now you have a json object containing all code that needs to be executed onto certain tokens. for this you can start a new loop that uses json.evaluate per json object per token id.

(need to add example later on) --Wolph42 16:22, 19 March 2011 (UTC)