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Revision as of 03:29, 11 May 2009 by Hawke (talk | contribs) (added request to visit forums)
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MapTool does not have a specific uninstall program, but leaves a relatively small footprint on your computer. Here is what you need to do to remove it completely


If you used the Java WebStart feature, simply open the Java Control Panel and empty the cache.

Executed from Zip

If you executed MapTool, check your home directory (see below) and delete the *.maptool folder* That will remove all of the preloaded images and any cached campaign information.

  • In Vista or 7: C:\Users\<username>\.maptool\
  • In WinXP: C:\Documents & Settings\<username>\.maptool\
  • In OS X: ~/.maptool/ OR /home/<username>/.maptool/

To delete the preferences associated with MapTool and Java you can look at the following ***WARNING*** Edit the registry ONLY if you know EXACTLY what you are doing:

  • Windows: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\/Map/Tool\
  • OS X: a subdirectory of Library/Preferences likely /MapTool but I'm unable to confirm

Finally delete the .zip and the directory you unzipped MapTool to and you should be good to go! If you are uninstalling because you did not like the program, be sure to visit the forums and give some feedback so perhaps we can improve.