MapTool Preferences/it

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{{#customtitle:MapTool Preferences|MapTool Preferences}}

Note Importanti: Ci sono preferenze relative alle map che consentono di preconfigurare i valori di quelle create ex-novo. Sebbene abbiate la possibilità di cambiare queste preferenze durante la creazione di una map, alcune di queste non possono più essere cambiate una volta che la mappa è stata creta. Questo è il comportamento delle versioni 1.3b56 e precendenti. Le Preferences di questo tipo saranno contrassegnate da un

 N.d.T.: Dalla versione 1.3b75 tutte le preferences della map si possono modificare in qualsiasi momento e quindi le affermazioni precedenti non sono più valide.

Nota: Tutti gli screenshots in questo articolo sono mostrati con i valori predefiniti, ma non sono per forza le preferenze raccommandate per voi.

Scheda Interactions

File:prefs tab interactions.png
La scheda Interactions nella finestra di dialogo Preferences


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Sezione Maps
  • New maps have Fog of War
Determina se le nuove maps hanno la Nebbia di Guerra abilitata alla creazione. Se siete soliti usarla, potrebbe sembrare ovvio avere questa casella spuntata; tuttavia, quando create più di una map per la campaign, spesso è utile disabilitare questa opzione per velocizzarne la lavorazione poiché anche come GM non potrete vedere tutto quello che è coperto dalla Nebbia di Guerra (N.d.T. mica vero, la visuale viene solo ingrigita). Una volta completata la map, sarà un solo passo riabilitare la Nebbia di Guerra.
  • New maps visible to players
Determina se alla creazione di una nuova map questa deve essere impostata come visibile dai giocatori. Anche se ci sono eccezini, tipicamente avere questa casella non spuntata risulta la scelta ottimale; non rischierete di lasciare involontariamente la map visibile ai giocatori.
  • Default Grid Type

Determina il tipo di griglia alla creazione di nuove maps. Siete liberi di creare maps senza alcun tipo di griglia, o anche un tipo di griglia diverso da quelli specificati qui, ma non potete scegliere come valore predefinito l'assenza di un qualsiasi tipo di griglia.
  • Default Grid Size

Rappresenta la quantità di pixel che volete MapTool utilizzi per disegnare le celle di una griglia ad una risoluzione completa (scalatura 1:1). Il valore predefinito è 50 pixels, risulta adeguato per molti computer, ma quelli di ultima generazione supportano tranquillamente dai 100 ai 200 pixels. Non ci sono limiti specifici di dimensioni, ma 50 e 100 pixels sono i valori più comunemente usati. Questa opzione determina anche quanto grande sia, alla depositazione su una map, un immagine impostata su Free-size e non ridimensionata manualmente..
  • Default Units Per Cell

Imposta l'ammontare di unità che ogni cella rappresenta. Sono chiamate ambiguamente "unità" perché è lasciato a noi decidere quello che rappresentano. Se volete che ogni cella rappresenti 5 piedi, allora imposterete questo campo su 5. Se invece volete che rappresenti 4km imposterete 4. Questa opzione è usualmente chiamata Distanza per Cella.
  • Default Vision Distance

E' la massima distanza attraverso la quale un PC Tokens può dissolvere la Nebbia di Guerra dopo che le Luci, il Campo Visivo, ed il Livello di Blocco Visuale siano stati considerati. E' importante sottolineare che questo valore è misurato in Distanza per Cella.
  • Movement metric
Determina come viene calcolata la modalità di movimento durante lo spostamento diagonale di un Token/it. Questo ha effetto sul valore totale della distanza percorsa mostrato sotto ad un Token/it quando lo si sposta, o quando si richiede la visualizzazione del suo percorso precedente; viene calcolato in base alla Distanza per Cella. ONE_TWO_ONE specifica che ogni due spostamenti diagonali il valore calcolato dell'ultima cella così raggiunta verrà raddoppiato. ONE_ONE_ONE specifica che i movimenti diagonali saranno calcolati nello stesso modo degli altri. MANHATTAN specifica che ogni movimento diagonale sarà calcolato come il doppio della Distanza per Cella. NO DIAGONALS specifica che i Tokens possano muoversi solo in direzioni non diagonali. L'impostazione Movement metric entrar in gioco solo quando si utilizza una griglia quadrata, per le esagonali il movimento in ogni direzione usa la Distanza per Cella.


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Tokens Section
  • Start Snap to Grid
Determines if Tokens will default to having Snap to Grid checked. Having this setting checked is optimal for maps that use a grid, but even on such maps there are cases when you might want to temporarily disable this setting(e.g. when placing a lot of "prop" Tokens on the Object layer while drawing a map).
  • New tokens visible to players
Determines if new Tokens have the Visible option checked upon creation. The optimal setting for this really depends on your play style; if you have a lot of random encounters and build them during play, you may find it useful to have this setting disabled.
  • Duplicate Token Numbering
    • Increment
    • Random 2-digit
Will automatically append numbers to Tokens with duplicate names, upon creation. Increment will leave the first token unnumbered, but will number each duplicate after that, starting with the number 1 (e.g. Troll, Troll 1, Troll 2). Random 2-digit will append a random two-digit number to the token name, even if there are no duplicates on the map yet. Random 2-digit might be considered the optimal setting, as it gives your players no indication of how many copies of that Token can be expected to exist.
  • Show Numbering on
    • Name
    • GM Name
    • Both
Specifies where the number that derived from Duplicate Token Numbering is applied. Name appends the number after the name (derived from New Token Naming). GM Name places the number within the GM Name field of the Token options. Both appends the number after the name, and places it within the GM Name field of the Token options. Due to odd behaviour that MapTool will display when handling tokens with the same name, it is recommended that you use Name or Both, but not GM Name.
  • New Token Naming
    • Use Filename
    • Use "Creature"
Determines what the name will be when creating a new Token, or what the Name field will be pre-filled with in a new Token dialog. Use Filename specifies that the name will be derived from the name of the file that was added to your Resource Library (e.g. if you add the file uglytroll.jpg to your Resource Library, tokens created from that image will begin with the name uglytroll). Use "Creature" defaults all new Tokens to being named "Creature" (without quotes).
  • Start Freesize
If you are using a map with a grid, Tokens typically default to the size of one grid cell upon creation. Having this setting checked allows you to have them default to Freesize, which is very useful for when you're placing a lot of 'prop' Tokens on the Object layer while creating a map.
  • Show Dialog on New Token
When this setting is checked, a New Token dialog will open when you drag an image onto the map, allowing you to set some options prior to creation. If you disable this setting, all new tokens will be created with the default settings derived from previous settings in this section.
  • Stat Sheet Portrait Size (Set to 0 to disable portaits)
Sets the width (in pixels) of the portrait that is displayed in the lower left corner of the map when mousing over certain Tokens; the image is resized proportionately. A portrait is displayed under a few different circumstances; if the Token has properties that are set to display on the stat sheet, and those properties have values, the portrait will display the token image. If the Token has a portrait image set, it will display with or without a stat sheet. Why might you want to set this to 0? Besides the obvious reason of not displaying the portrait, you might want to use a stat sheet, but not want a portrait displayed with it; or perhaps you don't want to use a stat sheet or a portrait, but would like to have the portrait image 'slot' usable for other purposes, like inside a Dialog or Frame.


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Chat Section
  • Show Avatar per line
The image for the impersonated token is shown next to any chat output it creates, when this is checked. This is a client-side setting and does not effect any other clients connected to the same game.
  • Insert Smilies
Replaces common smiley(emoticon) character sequences with graphical smilies when this is checked. If you use a lot of macros, it is recommended that you turn this off, as it could cause some complications if any of your macro code is interpreted as a smiley.
  • Use ToolTips for Inline Rolls
Sets the default display (Display Roll Option) for rolls in the chat panel. Will use [tooltip:] if this is checked, otherwise it will default to [expanded:].
  • Trusted Prefix Background
Sets a custom background for macro output that comes from a Trusted Macro.
  • Trusted Prefix Foreground
Sets a custom foreground (text color) for macro output that comes from a Trusted Macro.
  • Time between autosaves
The amount of time in minutes between the autosaving of the chat log. This is not functional as of 1.3b54.
  • Autosave Chat Log Filename
The filename that will be used when automatically saving your chat log. This is not functional as of 1.3b54.


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Objects Section
  • Start Snap to Grid
Tokens created on map's Object layer will automatically be set to Snap to Grid if this is checked.
  • Start Freesize
Tokens created on a map's Object layer will automatically be set to Freesize if this is checked.


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Backgrounds Section
  • Start Snap to Grid
Images dropped on a map's Background layer will automatically be set to Snap to Grid, if this is checked.
  • Start Freesize
Images dropped on a map's Background layer will automatically be set to Freesize, if this is checked.


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Facing Section
  • On Edges
A token's facing will snap to the edges when checked. Edges are the lines that make up a grid cell.
  • On Vertices
A token's facing will snap to the vertices when checked. Vertices are the points that connect the lines that make up a grid cell.

Accessibility Tab

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Accessibility Tab on the Preferences Dialog
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Accessibility Tab Close-up
  • Chat Font Size
The default size of the font in the chat panel; measured in points.
  • ToolTip Initial Delay
The time it takes for a tooltip to display when hovering the mouse over an element that possesses a tooltip; measured in miliseconds.
  • ToolTip Dismiss Delay
The time it takes for a tooltip to disappear when hovering the mouse over an element that possesses a tooltip; measured in miliseconds.

Application Tab

File:prefs tab application.png
Application Tab on the Preferences Dialog


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Save Section
  • Save Autorecover every [ ] min
Saves a copy of your campaign in the interval specified. Unlike Autosave, this will not overwrite your campaign file, but rather create a new one every time it automatically saves.
  • Save reminder on close
Displays a dialog when attempting to close the program with unsaved changes to your campaign when checked.
  • 1.3b50 Compatability Mode
Due to some changes in how certain data is stored in the campaign file in versions after 1.3b50, they might not be compatible with version 1.3b50 and earlier. If this is checked your campaign will be saved in the older format, allowing it to be opened in older versions, but losing some of the new features.

Map Defaults

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Map Defaults Section
  • Halo line width
Controls the width of the Halo when it is displayed on a Token.
  • Vision opacity
Areas that are no longer directly visible, but have previously had their Fog of War exposed, will will be dimmed by layering a translucent black on top of them. This setting controls the opacity of the translucent black.
  • Use halo color for vision
Related to Vision opacity, if this setting is checked, the translucent color layered on top of previously viewed areas will be the Token's Halo color as opposed to black.
  • Autoshow Fog
Will automatically expose Fog of War after moving a Token if checked.

Macro Panels

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Macro Panels Section
  • Default: Allow Players to Edit Macros
In order for a macro to be considered a Trusted Macro, players must not be able to edit it. This setting determines if a new macro should default to allowing players to edit if checked. Disabling this setting can be very useful if you intend to create a lot of macros that you intend to be trusted.

Sounds Tab

File:prefs tab sounds.png
Sounds Tab on the Preferences Dialog
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Sounds Tab Close-up
  • Play system sounds
When checked, MapTool will play a sound when new content is sent to the chat panel.
  • Only when window not focused
When checked, the sound that MapTool plays when new content is sent to the chat panel will only play if MapTool is not the application that has focus.