Introduction to JSON Datatypes

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JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, which is kind of a fancy way of saying the way you define objects in JavaScript -- technically only a subset. Wait a minute I hear you say, "this is MapTool Macros not JavaScript". Which of course is correct, but JSON has become common enough that it is used in places other than JavaScript to define data.

MapTool macros have two different data types for JSON, JSON Objects and JSON Arrays, which I will refer to as just objects and arrays from this point.

The following is a brief description of what arrays and objects are, if you are still not sure after reading it don't worry, read on and hopefully it will become clearer.

Arrays hold "lists" of data values. If you are familiar with the other data structures in MapTool macro script arrays are analogous to string lists.

Objects hold "key", "value" pairs, you will often hear this type of data structure referred to either Map, Dictionary, Hash, Assosiative Array depending on what other computer languages you are used to. If you are familiar with the other data structures in MapTool macro script objects are analogous to string property lists.

So if you want to keep a list of things you use an array, if you want to keep a list of things that are key=blah type data you use an object.

First I will show you an example of how these structures look like in JavaScript so you will have an idea of what they "look" like, then I can show you an example on how you can use them to store data. Don't try typing these into MapTool just yet, all the examples in this section are how you would do it in JavaScript, so you understand how it looks and get a feel for it, in Using JSON Datatypes in Macros I will go show you how to use JSON objects and arrays in your macros.

An array is enclosed in [ ] and has commas separating the values, strings are enclosed in " or '. An empty array

empty = []

An array that contains the words "this", "is", "a", and "test"

test = ["this", "is", "a", "test"]

An array that contains the values 4,5,12,10,1

test = [4,5,12,10,1]

An object is enclosed in { } and has key : value separated by commas. For the value strings are enclosed in " or ', for the key if it's a valid identifier it does not have to be enclosed in " or ' but you can if you want. If you are unsure it's always safe just to use quotes around the key.

So an empty object is

empty =  {}

An object that contains first name = Fred last name = Flintstone

person = {
    "first name" : "Fred",
    "last name" : "Flintstone"

There is no reason it has to be on multiple lines, I just did that to make it easier to read, the following is just as valid

person = { "first name" : "Fred", "last name" : "Flintstone" }

If you are familiar with the current String Lists and String Property Lists you may at this point in time be asking what does this give me that they don't? Lets have a look at the differences so far.

Arrays vs String Lists In string lists you have to specify a delimiter, this delimiter -- which defaults to , you can not have this value in the data in the string list. For arrays the delimiter is always , but since the string values are also in quotes you can use the delimiter in the data. For example:

test = ["This, is, a, test", "bah"]

Is only 2 elements in the array "This, is, a test" and "bah".

Objects vs String Property Lists This same things that were mentioned in Arrays vs String Lists apply here too. In String Property lists you can not use the delimiter or the {{{1}}} character in your data. For objects you can, for example.

person = {
    "first name" : "Fred",
    "last name" : "Flintstone",
    "address" : "Somewhere; around here => "

Embedded objects and arrays With string lists you can embed property lists within it, and you can also embed string lists within property lists, but you have to be careful that none of the data in the inner property list is a delimiter in the string list, or none of the data in the inner string list is a delimiter in the property list.

So if you had a property list inside a string list, then the values in the property list can not contain commas (or what ever you have set the delimiter to if it is not the default). If you had a string lists inside of property lists then you could not have ; (or what ever delimiter you have specified) in the string list. And when you try to go a level deeper it gets harder, and all in all its very prone to error.

JSON objects and arrays don't have the above problems.

First embedding an array inside another array:

test = [1, 2, 3, 
    ["a", "b", "c"],
 4, 5, 6]

And you can have arrays within arrays within arrays:

test = [1, 2, 3, 
    ["a", "b", "c",
        ["z", "x", "y"]
 4, 5, 6]

Again, there is no need to place it in separate lines but it makes it clearer than if I wrote

test = [1, 2, 3, ["a", "b", "c", ["z", "x", "y"] ], 4, 5, 6]

Similar can be done with Objects.

An object within an object:

person = {
    "first name" : "Fred",
    "last name" : "Flintstone", 
    "address": { 
        "street": "301 Cobblestone Way",
        "city": "Bedrock"


person = {
    "first name" : "Fred",
    "last name" : "Flintstone", 
    "address": { 
        "street": {
            number: 301,
            name: "Cobblestone Way"
        "city": "Bedrock"

Again you could place it on one line like below, but its easier to understand it on several lines

person = { "first name" : "Fred", "last name" : "Flintstone", "address": { "street": { number: 301, name: "Cobblestone Way" }, "city": "Bedrock" } }

You can place JSON objects in arrays such as:

people = [
        "first name" : "Fred",
        "last name" : "Flintstone", 
        "address": { 
            "street": {
                number: 301,
                name: "Cobblestone Way"
            "city": "Bedrock"
        "first name" : "Barny",
        "last name" : "Rubble", 
        "address": { 
            "street": {
                number: 303,
                name: "Cobblestone Way"
            "city": "Bedrock"

You can also have arrays inside objects:

person = {
    "first name" : "Fred",
    "last name" : "Flintstone", 
    "address": { 
        "street": {
            number: 301,
            name: "Cobblestone Way"
        "city": "Bedrock"
    "family": ["Wilma", "Pebbles"]