Custom Robust eval Function

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Revision as of 21:14, 17 June 2009 by Verisimilar (talk | contribs)
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 Note: This function can only be used in a Trusted Macro

This user defined function redefines the standard eval() function, allowing it to be given a number, empty string, or JSON object/array and not throw an exception.


Place both of these macros on the same library token.



[ defineFunction( "eval", "evalFunction@this", 1, 0 ) ]


//  Error handling
[ assert( argCount() >= 1, "<b>eval()</b> - Invalid number of parameters <i>0</i>, expected at least <i>1</i> parameter.", 0 ) ]

//  Initialise variables
[ Expression = arg( argCount()-1 ) ]
[ CancelEval = 0 ]
[ TypeTest = json.type( Expression ) ]

//  Handle all numbers
[ if( isNumber( Expression ) == 1 ), code:
   [ CancelEval = 1 ]
} ]

//  Handle empty strings
[ if( TypeTest == "UNKNOWN" ), code:
    [ if( Expression == "" ), code:
        [ CancelEval = 1 ]
    } ]
} ]

//  Handle JSON types
[ if( TypeTest == "ARRAY" || TypeTest == "OBJECT" ), code:
    [ CancelEval = 1 ]
} ]

//  Evaluate or cancel, then return
[ if( CancelEval == 1 ), code:
    [ macro.return = Expression ]
    [ macro.return = oldFunction( Expression ) ]
} ]