Command Line Options

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The following command line options are available when launching MapTool from a a shell or command prompt. These are for advanced users or developers.

The full option name may be used or just the first letter.


The following options have no parameters and take the form of:

javaw -jar maptool-x.x.x.x.jar -option
d/debug - Turn on System.out enhanced debug output
m/macros - Output list of defined macro functions
r/reset - Reset startup options to defaults
f/fullscreen - Maximize MapTool window

The following options require a single parameter and take the form of:

javaw -jar maptool-x.x.x.x.jar -option=value
v/version - Override MapTool version
m/monitor - Sets which monitor to use beginning with 0.

These options require the monitor option be specified on the same command line.

javaw -jar maptool-x.x.x.x.jar -monitor -option=value
w/width - Override MapTool window width
h/height - Override MapTool window height
x/xpos - Override MapTool window starting x coordinate
y/ypos - Override MapTool window starting y coordinate


javaw -Xmx2048M -Xss1M -jar maptool- -version=
javaw -Xmx2048M -Xss1M -jar maptool- -v=
javaw -Xmx2048M -Xss1M -jar maptool- -fullscreen
javaw -Xmx2048M -Xss1M -jar maptool- -f
javaw -Xmx2048M -Xss1M -jar maptool- -monitor=0 -width=800 -height=800
javaw -Xmx2048M -Xss1M -jar maptool- -monitor=0 -xpos=20 -ypos=20
javaw -Xmx2048M -Xss1M -jar maptool- -monitor=0 -x=20 -y=20 -w=800 -ht=1200
javaw -Xmx2048M -Xss1M -jar maptool- -m=0 -xpos=150 -y=150 -width=1000 -height=1200