macros:Functions:list of functions by area
- abs
- absolutevalue
- add
- average
- avg
- ceil
- ceiling
- divide
- floor
- hex
- hypot
- hypotenuse
- isNumber
- ln
- log
- log10
- max
- mean
- median
- min
- multiply
- number
- sqr
- sqrt
- square
- squareroot
- subtract
- sum
- addAllNPCsToInitiative
- addAllPCsToInitiative
- addAllToInitiative
- addToInitiative
- getCurrentInitiative
- getInitiative
- getInitiativeHold
- getInitiativeRound
- initiativeSize
- nextInitiative
- removeAllFromInitiative
- removeAllNPCsFromInitiative
- removeAllPCsFromInitiative
- removeFromInitiative
- setCurrentInitiative
- setInitiative
- setInitiativeHold
- setInitiativeRound
- sortInitiative
- concat
- decode
- endsWith
- getFindCount
- getGroup
- getGroupCount
- getGroupEnd
- getGroupStart
- indexOf
- lastIndexOf
- length
- lower
- matches
- replace
- startsWith
- strfind
- strformat
- string
- substring
- trim
- upper
- bringToFront
- createMacro
- currentToken
- getAllPropertyNames
- getGMName
- getGMNotes
- getHalo
- getLabel
- getLayer
- getName
- getNotes
- getOwners
- getProperty
- getPropertyDefault
- getPropertyNames
- getPropertyType
- getSize
- getSpeech
- getSpeechNames
- getState
- getTokenImage
- getVisible
- hasProperty
- isNPC
- isOwnedByAll
- isOwner
- isPC
- isPropertyEmpty
- resetProperty
- sendToBack
- setAllStates
- setGMName
- setGMNotes
- setHalo
- setLabel
- setLayer
- setName
- setNotes
- setPC
- setProperty
- setPropertyType
- setSize
- setSpeech
- setState
- setTokenImage
- setVisible
- switchToken
Token Libraries
- getMacroCommand
- getMacroIndexes
- getMacroLocation
- getMacroName
- getMacroProps
- getMacros
- hasImpersonated
- hasMacro
- isTrusted
- setMacroCommand
- setMacroProps
Lights and Sight
String Properties
- countStrProp
- deleteStrProp
- indexKeyStrProp
- indexValueStrProp
- getStrProp
- setStrProp
- varsFromStrProp
- strPropFromVars
- formatStrProp
String List
- listAppend
- listCount
- listDelete
- listFind
- listGet
- listInsert
- listReplace
- stringToList
- listSort
- listContains
- listFormat
Token Bars
- abort
- eval
- evalMacro
- execMacro
- getAllPlayerNames
- getImage
- getPlayerName
- getStateImage
- if
- input
- isGM
- macroLink
- macroLinkText
- set
Finding Tokens
- findToken
- getExposedTokenNames
- getExposedTokens
- getImpersonated
- getImpersonatedName
- getNPCNames
- getNPCs
- getOwned
- getOwnedNames
- getPCNames
- getPCs
- getSelected
- getSelectedNames
- getTokenNames
- getTokens
- getVisibleTokenNames
- getVisibleTokens
- getWithState
- getWithStateNames
JSON Functions
- json.append
- json.contains
- json.fields
- json.fromList
- json.fromStrProp
- json.get
- json.length
- json.set
- json.type
- json.toList
- json.toStrProp
- json.remove