w (roll option)

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[ ] Display to Specific Player Option

Introduced in version 1.3.b58

[w("name"): ], [whisper("name"): ] evaluates the text after the ':' but only displays the results to the specific named user, such as:

Everyone can see this [w("bob"): "but only Bob can see this"]

[w():] can also take more than one player name as an argument:

[w("Fred", "Joe"): d20]

It can also take a JSON list containing player names:

[h: names = json.fromList("Fred, Joe")]
[w(names): d20]

This roll option may be combined with the [s:], [g:], [gt:], and [st:] options. Blank messages will not be shown to a certain user if an entire message is invisible to that user due to these roll options or the [h:] roll option.